
Interactive decision tree builder

This plugin provides a webapp and recipe to manually create decision trees and use them to score and evaluate datasets

An example of decision tree within the webapp

Example of a decision tree edited within the webapp.

Plugin information

Version 1.1.1
Author Dataiku (Agathe Guillemot)
Released 2019-11-21
Last updated 2024-05-08
License MIT License
Source code Github
Reporting issues Github


This plugin offers one visual webapp to build a decision tree step by step, and two visual recipes to score and evaluate datasets using a decision tree made with the aforementioned webapp.

This plugin can be used for binary or multiclass classification, but does NOT yet support regression.

The webapp can be used for exploratory analysis, to come up with new ideas for feature engineering or to better understand the content of unfamiliar datasets.

Specific business rules can be implemented, and effectively compared with results from Machine Learning algorithms thanks to the two recipes.

The webapp can also be used to interactively bin data.

Installation Notes

The plugin can be installed from the Plugin Store or via the zip download (see above).

How to use

Interactive Decision Tree Builder webapp


Use this webapp to create and visualize decision trees.

Getting started

From the landing page of the webapp, one can either create a new tree or load a previously saved one.

Create or load a tree

Create or load a tree

  • Create a new tree: Requires to select a dataset and a target. Datasets exposed from other projects cannot be used.
  • Load an existing one: Requires to select the file where the tree was saved. The file must be saved within the folder used in the settings of the webapp.

Sampling parameters

  • Method: The sampling method used on the dataset:
    • Head: the first N rows
    • Random: random sample of approximately N rows
    • Full: all the rows (this is not recommended for bigger datasets)
  • Sampling size: The number N of rows for the sampling method (Head or Random methods)
Building a decision tree

The webapp has three modes: one to edit the tree, and two to visualize it (as a tree or as a sunburst).

Edit mode The decision tree builder opens in edit mode, with the root node selected. Edit mode with only a root node The edit mode allows the user to progressively build a tree from the root by creating splits.

Select a node
After a node is selected, the Selected node section updates with various information:

  • The probabilities of the different target classes, in decreasing order. The first class in this list is the prediction for the node.
  • The number of samples.
  • (Not displayed for the root node) The decision rule.
  • (Optional)(Only if the selected node is a leaf, ie. has no children nodes) The label. It is the only field that is editable. Once created, the label of a node is displayed below it. Labels are added as additional information to your samples in the score and evaluate recipes. They can be used for tagging, grouping different predictions or replace/provide more information on the prediction value for example.

Available actions if the selected node is a leaf
If the selected node is a leaf, the list of features is displayed below the Selected node section. This list can be filtered by clicking on the magnifying glass and using the search bar that subsequently appears.

  • Add a split: Clicking on one of the features opens the split editor, to create a split manually or via auto creation.

Available actions if the selected node already has splits
If the selected node is not a leaf, the feature used for the splits on the node and the list of these splits are displayed below the Selected node section. Edit mode with a split

  • Add a split: Clicking on Add a split below the split list opens the split editor. Auto creation of splits will not be available.
  • Edit a split: Clicking on the pencil of a split opens the split editor.
  • Delete a split: Clicking on the bin of a split deletes it.
  • Delete all splits on a node: Only available if the node as two or more splits. Clicking on the bin next to the name of the feature chosen for the splits will delete all the splits at once.

Creating splits
A split can be seen as a rule to separate the data between nodes, according to the value of one of the features of the dataset. In the decision tree builder, the features are treated as either categorical or numerical. As such, two types of splits are possible (categorical and numerical). To create N nodes, one has to create N-1 split.

For instance:

  • Categorical: splitting on Cat for the feature Animal will create two nodes (Animal isCat and Animal is not Cat); splitting on Cat and on Dog will create three nodes (Animal is Cat, Animal is Dog and Animal is neither Cat nor Dog).
  • Numerical: splitting on 5 for the feature Age will create two nodes (Age < 5 and 5 ≤ Age); splitting on 5 and 10 for the feature Age will create three nodes (Age < 5, 5 ≤ Age < 10 and 10 ≤ Age).

Note that for numerical features, missing values are replaced with the mean.
The split editor varies depending of the type of the feature on which the split is being created or edited.

Split editor on a categorical feature Split editor for a categorical feature The upper part is a stacked histogram of the target distribution across the values of the feature. Only the ten bins with the most samples are represented, in decreasing order.
The lower part is the editor itself. To create or edit a split, one has to select one or more values in the list of the values taken by the feature. This list can be filtered by clicking on the magnifying glass on top and using the search bar that subsequently appears.
A split cannot take a value that already has been selected by another split on the same node; the value must first be unselected from this other split.

Split editor on a numerical feature Split editor for a numerical feature If the selected node is a leaf, there is one extra action available in the split editor of a numerical feature: switching between types (ie. the way the plugin treats the feature: categorical or numerical).
The upper part is a stacked histogram of the target distribution across the values of the feature. The data is divided between up to ten bins.
The lower part is the editor itself. To create or edit a split, one has to enter a numerical value.

Auto-creation of splits
For both categorical and numerical splits, the user can choose to let the webapp backend compute automatically splits, by clicking on Auto create, and then entering the number of maximum desired splits.

Auto creation is not available when:

  • the node already has splits
  • the target takes one value or less in the sample of the selected node
  • (for categorical splits only) the target distribution is the same across the different values of the feature

Tree visualization Tree visualization mode This visualization mode features the tree of the edit mode in a full screen view. Every node of the tree has a tooltip displaying its main information (probabilities, samples), along with a pie chart of the target distribution.

Sunburst visualization Sunburst visualization mode This visualization mode features the tree as a sunburst, with every arc corresponding to a node of the tree from the edit mode. When hovering upon an arc, the decision rule is displayed on the left. Clicking on an arc puts the selected arc in the center of the sunburst.
Since the size of an arc is proportional to the number of samples it has, some arcs may be too small to be displayed.

Score recipe

Use this recipe to score a dataset, using a decision tree made in the webapp as the prediction model.
Dataset with at least all the columns used by the decision tree. If the decision tree uses a numerical feature that has missing values in the input dataset, they are replaced with the mean of the feature in the dataset used to build the tree.
Folder containing a decision tree from the Interactive Decision Tree Builder webapp.
Scored dataset with the same data as the input dataset with extra columns:

  • Prediction
  • Probability of each class
  • (Optional) Label

Score recipe

  • Decision tree: The name of the JSON file where the decision tree is saved. Note that you must include the .json extension as well.
  • Chunk size: The number of rows in each scoring batch.


Evaluate recipe

Use this recipe to evaluate a dataset, using a decision tree made in the webapp as the prediction model.
Dataset with at least all the columns used by the decision tree and the target column of the decision tree. If the decision tree uses a numerical feature that has missing values in the input dataset, they are replaced with the mean of the feature in the dataset used to build the tree.
Folder containing a decision tree JSON file from the Interactive Decision Tree builder webapp.
Evaluated dataset with the same data as in the input dataset with extra columns:

  • Prediction
  • (Optional) Probability of each class
  • Whether the prediction was correct
  • (Optional) Label

Metrics dataset.

Evaluate recipe

  • Decision tree: The name of the JSON file where the decision tree is saved. Note that you must include the .json extension as well.
  • Chunk size: The number of rows in each scoring batch.
  • Output probabilities: Whether to output the probabilities of each class in the evaluated dataset. Checked by default.
  • Filter metrics: Whether to compute a subset (or no) metrics. Unchecked by default (ie. all the available metrics will be computed to build the metrics dataset).


Available metrics Available metrics (only if Filter metrics is checked):

  • auc
  • recall
  • precision
  • accuracy
  • log loss
  • hamming loss
  • calibration loss

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