
Zipcode Geocoding

This plugin provides a processor to transform zip codes in a given country into latitude/longitude coordinates

This plugin provides facilities for geocoding zipcodes (ie, transform a zipcode+country to a lat/lon couple). This plugin provides around 1 million zipcodes in many countries. The zipcode geocoding is available as a preparation processor.


Plugin Information

Version 2.0.5
Author Dataiku
Released 2014/12/24
Last updated 2023/07/07
License Proprietary

How To Use

To be able to use this Plugin, Dataiku DSS needs to be restarted first. Once done, the Plugin will be listed as “Zipcode geocoding” in the processors list of the Visual Analysis and the Prepare Recipe. The new processor needs both a zipcode and a country column in the input dataset.

Image by United States Post Office Department – Public Domain

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