
Power AI Every Day With Dataiku & Databricks

Dataiku and Databricks make AI capabilities accessible to business teams, helping deliver scalable analytics through quick and secure access to Databricks using the easy-to-use, visual interface of Dataiku.


Natively Use Databricks Data Within Dataiku

Allow everyone to harness the data and computing power of Databricks for all kinds of workloads.

  • With Dataiku, business and technical teams can easily access data from the Databricks
  • Create data products using Databricks as the engine for Dataiku visual recipes
  • Run PySpark code via Databricks Connect on your Databricks Cluster
  • Share AI models across Dataiku and Databricks using MLFlow

Accelerate Collaboration on Data-Driven Projects

Enable seamless collaboration between domain and technical experts working on AI and data-related projects.

  • Deliver more advanced analytics and accelerate data and AI adoption with Dataiku and Databricks
  • Help business teams get going with a visual experience, reusable components, and pre-built, customizable Dataiku solutions that include AI capabilities
  • Enable experts from various departments to pool their knowledge and skills through easy handover of AI projects
  • AI projects built in Dataiku by business teams can be exposed to data science teams working in Databricks
Learn More About Dataiku + Databricks Architecture

Govern AI Projects Safely

Deploy trusted and compliant AI solutions, reducing risks and increasing confidence for business and IT stakeholders.

  • Securely work with data in Databricks from the visual user interface of Dataiku
  • With Dataiku in-database processing, data stays in Databricks, improving data security and governance
  • Users build visual projects and pipelines that are transparent, auditable, and thoroughly documented in Dataiku
  • With Dataiku, data leaders have complete visibility into their analytics projects and can put governance processes in place to ensure proper review and final sign-off

AI, Today: A Survey of Data Leaders by Dataiku and Databricks

We surveyed 400 senior AI professionals on the hottest topics in the industry, from their plans for Generative AI to calculating ROI and more.

Get the Full Report

I Have Databricks, Why Do I Need Dataiku?

Learn how the Dataiku and Databricks partnership unlocks scalability, efficiency, and accessibility for AI initiatives, driving innovation and value.


Build an LLM Application with Dataiku, Databricks, and LangChain

LLMs are rewriting the rules of human-machine interaction and paving the way for a new era of possibilities.


Have Your Cake and Eat It Too With Dataiku + Databricks

Uncover the latest integrations between Dataiku and Databricks and see how they make life easier for both data and domain experts.


Dataiku Named 2024 Databricks Innovation Partner of the Year

Dataiku’s Everyday AI Platform is recognized for seamlessly integrating AI and GenAI capabilities with the Databricks Data Intelligence Platform.

Read the Press Release

The Total Economic Impact™️
Of Dataiku

A composite organization in the commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Dataiku saw the following benefits:

70 %+

reduction in time spent on data analysis, extraction, and preparation.

42 %

reduction in time spent on model lifecycle activities (training, deployment, and monitoring).

413 %

return on investment

$ 23 .5M

net present value over three years.