
Uncover ESG Trends Through Unstructured Data Interactivity

The Dataiku Solution for Interactive ESG Document Intelligence accelerates consolidation of unstructured document data into an automatically categorized, searchable database, with easy-to-consume dashboards.


Customize Topic Modeling With a Modular, Reusable Pipeline

The Dataiku Solution for Interactive ESG Document Intelligence not only digitizes documents (e.g., pdf, jpeg, png, tiff, etc.) and extracts and classifies text in those documents, but also consolidates this data into a unified, searchable database.

Our processing flow first turns documents into a dataset for NLP analysis. Then, with its modular design, easily adjust to the required ESG domains and broaden to other financial or non-financial insights.


Discover Clusters of Words Around ESG Topics

With the topic dashboard, discover clusters of words around specific ESG topics from source documents. The Dataiku Solution for Interactive ESG Document Intelligence classifies documents with similar words and word frequencies into the same topic cluster. After that, a word cloud helps visualize the most frequent words that appear.

Measure quantitative ESG trends for a given set of companies without dissecting all documents in full detail.


Get Interactive Insights on Firms of Interest

To compare ESG themes with other companies or peer groups, use the search function. Use with public or private documents such as 10ks and analyst reports to uncover how companies embed ESG into their operations, tackle climate change commitments, and take further action.

After selecting a company, pick a category (or multiple categories) and see model results, then drill down into a subcategory to see the extracted windows from the document and a sentiment score.


Track Frequency of Keywords and Sentiment Across ESG Topics

Understand the frequency of keywords and sentiment over time with the included time series dashboard. These charts are especially powerful as part of a peer group analysis on a given time horizon, to fully appreciate respective risks and opportunities.

The evolution of ESG focus and attached sentiment over time becomes a new quantitative metric to embed across various business decision making processes — supplier selection, partnership structuring, and all funding activities.

See Time Series Frequency Analysis in Action

Dig Into Text of Interest

Drill down into ESG subcategories and see extracted portions of documents and associated sentiment scores, and analyze results alongside the original document.

No more poring over hundreds of individual documents to identify key areas and assigning sentiment values —  the Dataiku Solution for Interactive ESG Document Intelligence does the heavy lifting, saving time and energy.


Answer Key Questions About ESG Actions

The Dataiku Solution for  Interactive ESG Document Intelligence is a powerful accelerator to building ESG into decision making by answering questions such as: 

  • What is the general approach of a given company vs. peers towards Environment, Social, and Governance commitments? 
  • How have these approaches evolved over time, what is the intensity of the commitment taken, and is there alignment between intentions and actions? 
  • What are the tangible proof points disclosed to support actions taken?
  • How are respective firms considering specific ESG domains — diversity, climate risks, or other, and how do we see trendsetters emerge?
  • Are the actions of a given company aligned with the principles for ESG actions of my own organization?
READ THE DOCUMENTATION ON Interactive Document Intelligence for ESG

ESG and Document Intelligence: Broaden Your Data Journeys

Why use the Dataiku Solution for Interactive ESG Document Intelligence?

This Dataiku Solution is more than AI-powered document analysis specific to ESG. By creating a singular solution that can benefit and influence the decisions of a variety of teams in a single organization, smarter and more holistic strategies can be designed to track ESG trends over time, inform ESG-integrated judgment, and scan through large corpuses of documents for ESG insights. 

Refine to specific ESG domains, expand to other areas key to decision making, or simply use this landmark solution as a powerful starting point for broader data augmentation initiatives.


The Total Economic Impact™️
Of Dataiku

A composite organization in the commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Dataiku saw the following benefits:

70 %+

reduction in time spent on data analysis, extraction, and preparation.

42 %

reduction in time spent on model lifecycle activities (training, deployment, and monitoring).

413 %

return on investment

$ 23 .5M

net present value over three years.

See Dataiku in Action

Watch the end-to-end Dataiku demo to understand how the Universal AI Platform can fit your needs for one use case … and beyond.