1. Start the instance
- Open the Dataiku DSS page on Google Cloud marketplace
- Click „Launch on compute engine“. You will be invited to select the google projects you want to use.
- Select one and click on Open
- Enter a name for your Virtual machine in the „Deployment name“ section and select your region (if not the default) and disk size (at least 50 GB)
- Make sure you have firewall rules to access the application
- A machine with 2 vCPUs, 16 GB RAM should be enough for a first test.
- Review the form and then click on Deploy.
(You may have one warning about the disk size being greater but it’s expected)
2. Connect to DSS
Once deployed,in the Dataiku-Dss-Design section you might see a an address , a login and a password. They are dedicated to the initial authentication on the web UI
Click on the link in the Site address section.
Note that only Chrome and Firefox are supported.
For additional information, technical details, howtos, or any issue, please see:
- Our Google Cloud installation documentation
- Our community answers